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Say What?: Sin

Welcome to the evening service 🌙

Tonight we hear from Matt Doherty on the subject of ‘Sin.’ What does this word mean, and what difference does it make to our lives today?

Unfortunately we were unable to record a video of the talk, but please enjoy the audio below.

Our evening services happens at Albert Place Building in Westbury on Trym at 6:30pm, we’d love to see you there next time!

Say What: Sin
Matt Doherty

Next Sunday Services:



Say What?: Holy Spirit

Welcome to the evening service 🌙

Tonight we hear from Nancy Simmons on the subject of ‘Holy Spirit’. Who is He, and how can we know Him?

Our evening services happens at Albert Place Building in Westbury on Trym at 6:30pm, we’d love to see you there next time!

Say What: Holy Spirit
Nancy Simmons

Next Sunday Services:



Faith in the Fire: Control

Below you’ll find our service and talk from Sunday 21st November 2021. Matt Doherty continues our series ‘Faith in the Fire’ by looking at the subject of control: what does it mean to have control over your life, while submitting to God’s leadership?

Faith in the Fire: Control
Matt Doherty


Say What?: Kingdom

Welcome to the evening service 🌙

Tonight we hear from Matt Smith on the subject of ‘Kingdom’. What does the word mean, and what difference does it make?

Our evening services happens at Albert Place Building in Westbury on Trym at 6:30pm, we’d love to see you there next time!

Say What: Kingdom
Matt Smith

Next Sunday Services:



Say What?: Salvation

Welcome to the evening service 🌙

Tonight we hear from Marion on the subject of ‘Salvation’. What does the word mean, and what difference does it make?

Our evening services happens at Albert Place Building in Westbury on Trym at 6:30pm, we’d love to see you there next time!

Say What: Salvation
Marion Roderick

Next Sunday Services: