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Fools and Failures: Samson

Welcome to the evening service 🌙

Clare Thompson continues our series: In the Company of Fools and Failures. She discusses the story of Samson and explores how we learn from his mistakes, and encourages us that gifting is not always as important as character.

Fools and Failures: Samson
Clare Thompson

Next Sunday Services:



Fools and Failures: Moses

Welcome to the evening service 🌙

Dave Roderick continues our new series: In the Company of Fools and Failures. He discusses the story of Moses and explores how we learn from his mistakes, and encourages us that God walks with us even when we mess up.

Fools and Failures: Moses
Dave Roderick

Next Sunday Services:



Fools and Failures: Adam

Welcome to the evening service 🌙

Matt Doherty launches our new series: In the Company of Fools and Failures. He discusses the story of Adam and asks the question: what is your origin story?

This series was inspired by a podcast by Joshua Luke Smith. You can see more of that here:

Fools and Failures: Adam
Matt Doherty

Next Sunday Services: