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James: Mirror (Chapter 1)

James: Mirror (Chapter 1)
Pete Creber

Welcome to the evening service 🌙

Pete Creber launches our new series on the book of James. His subject is ‘Mirror’, and he explores chapter 1.

We meet every Sunday evening at 6:30 pm at the Albert Place building in Westbury Village. We'd love to see you at our next Evening Service.



Minor Prophets: Hosea

Minor Prophets: Hosea
Tim Dobson

Hello and welcome to this recording of our message from Sunday 31st July.

This morning, Tim Dobson beings our summer series looking at the Minor Prophets. His subject is the book of Hosea.

We meet every Sunday morning at 10:30am at the Greenway Centre in Southmead. We'd love to see you at our next service.


Blessings: Church

Blessings: Church
Helen Wicks

Welcome to the evening service 🌙

Helen Wicks finishes up our series: Blessings. Her subject is ‘Church’, and she explores the final few verses in Ephesians chapter 1.

We meet every Sunday evening at 6:30 pm at the Albert Place building in Westbury Village. We'd love to see you at our next Evening Service.



The King and I: Under Pressure

The King and I: Under Pressure
Nancy Simmons

Hello and welcome to this recording of our message from Sunday 17th July.

This morning, Nancy continues our morning series: The King and I. Her subject is “Under Pressure - David & Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11-12).

Unfortunately, the video recording did not work so this is audio only.

We meet every Sunday morning at 10:30am at the Greenway Centre in Southmead. We'd love to see you at our next service.


Blessings: Discipleship

Blessings: Discipleship
Craig Speers

Welcome to the evening service 🌙

Craig Speers continues our series: Blessings. His subject is ‘Discipleship’, and he explores Ephesians 1:15-23.

We meet every Sunday evening at 6:30 pm at the Albert Place building in Westbury Village. We'd love to see you at our next Evening Service.



The King and I: Don't stop me now!

The King and I: Don't stop me now!
Kath Speers

Hello and welcome to this recording of our message from Sunday 10th July.

This morning, Kath continues our morning series: The King and I. Her subject is “Don’t stop me now - David dances before the Ark" (2 Samuel 6).

We meet every Sunday morning at 10:30am at the Greenway Centre in Southmead. We'd love to see you at our next service.


The King and I: David and Goliath

The King and I: Another One Bites The Dust
Matt Doherty

Hello and welcome to this recording of our message from Sunday 3rd July.

This morning, Matt continues our morning series: The King and I. His subject is “David and Goliath" (1 Samuel 16-17).

We meet every Sunday morning at 10:30am at the Greenway Centre in Southmead. We'd love to see you at our next service.